Formatting the SD Card in OPUS

Got a collection of regular static IRs? OPUS is the definitive solution that gets the best out of them. With storage of up to 512 IRs on the internal memory (plus thousands more on the included memory card) - lest we forget facilities for blending two static IRs and powerful low-latency on-board DSP - OPUS is so much more than just an IR loader - it’s the power to re-image your existing tone shaping tools like never before.

In the following knowledge-base article we discuss how to format your SD card in order to get the best out of your Static IR library!

The optimal means of formatting the supplied SD card (or any other compatible SD card) for use within the OPUS architecture is via the pedal itself.

  • First, press the left encoder to enter OPUS’ MENU
  • Navigate to the GLOBAL menu icon and enter it by pressing on the right encoder
  • Source the Memory Card Mount option and press ENTER (right encoder) to mount the card. The pedal will now appear as a regular mass storage device on your computer when connected via USB

To format the drive, please follow the instructions below based on the computer you have at your disposal.

On a Windows computer:

  • Use Drive Tools in the Windows Explorer window of your computer


  • Click on Format to open the formatting options window


  • Then, Format the card selecting the FAT option



On Mac OSX

  • Use the Disk Utility located in the Utilities folder of the Applications parent folder

  • Select the disk corresponding to the memory card within OPUS

  • Click on the Erase button located between the Partition and Restore buttons
  • Select the MS-DOS (FAT) format

  • Once selected, click the Erase button of the Erase window

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