How can I update the VB-101/VM-202 firmware?

Firmware upgrade tutorial for Mac and PC

1- Place the firmware files (named for example "Torpedo_v108.tfa" and "Torpedo_v108.tfb", the number in the names corresponding to the firmware version) in the "Data" folder of the Torpedo Remote software.

On PC, the default path to this folder is "C:\Program Files\Two Notes Audio Engineering\Torpedo Remote\Data".

On Mac, the default path to this folder is "/Application/Two Notes/Data".


2- Power off the Torpedo if needed. Keep the "PROGRAM" button of the Torpedo pressed while powering it on.


3- The Torpedo starts on Update mode. The screen displays "FIRMWARE UPDATE" on the top left. If not, go to step 2 again.


4- Launch the Torpedo Remote software on your computer.

5- The "USB LINK" light indicator on the Torpedo Remote software turns red, and the Torpedo displays "Waiting for file...". If not, check that the Torpedo is connected to the computer with a USB or Ethernet cable.


6- In the Torpedo Remote software, click on the "File" menu, then on "Update firmware...". A "Update Firmware" window opens. The firmware filenames are displayed.


7a- If a red error message appears, check at the end of this tutorial.

7b- If no error messages are present, click on the "Send" button in the "Update Firmware" window to begin the update. The "Firmware Update" window and the Torpedo screen display progress informations.

8a- If something goes wrong (error message or stuck screen), turn off the Torpedo , close completely the Torpedo Remote software, and go back to step 2.

8b- If nothing goes wrong, a "Firmware upgraded" window appears at the end of the process. Click on the OK button in this window, check that the Torpedo screen displays "Firmware part B written" or "Firmware written", turn off the Torpedo .


9- Your Torpedo is up to date !

Errors handling

"Directory Data not found"

The "Data" folder has been deleted, renamed or moved from the Torpedo Remote software folder. Check the presence of the "Data" folder in this folder.

On PC, the default path to this folder is "C:\Program Files\Two Notes Audio Engineering\Torpedo Remote".

On Mac, the default path to this folder is "/Application/Two Notes/".

If not present, create a ew folder called "Data". If present, check that the Torpedo Remote software you launched is really the one nearby this "Data" folder (PC : "Torpedo Remote.exe" ; Mac : "Torpedo").

In case of multiple installations or bad software manipulation, several versions of the "Torpedo Remote.exe" / "Torpedo" software can be present on your computer. If there is doubt, uninstall the software, delete the copies of and shortcuts to "Torpedo Remote.exe" / "Torpedo" files, and reinstall the software.

"Missing file tfa/tfb in directory Data"

A file (or both files) has not been found in the "Data" folder. Check their presence. Read the first paragraph for more details.

"Too many file tfa/tfb in directory Data"

Several ".tfa" and/or ".tfb" files are found in the "Data" folder. Delete them, keep only the latest versions. Read the first paragraph for more details.

"Files not matching"

The ".tfa" and ".tfb" files have a different name, they are from different versions. Delete them and download the latest version available.

"File check error"

The ".tfa" and/or ".tfb" files are corrupted. Delete them and download the latest version available.