Wall of Sound cabinets download issue

This page explains how to manually download and install DynIR cabinets in Wall of Sound. It can be useful in case of the automatic Wall of Sound download process fails to get all the cabinets.

  1. Go to https://www.two-notes.com/en/my-account/my-license-cabinet/ and click the "Torpedo Wall of Sound DynIR Cabinets file" button.
    DynIR Cabinets area
  2. Once downloaded, unzip the file in :
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Two Notes Audio Engineering\Cabinets on a Windows 64 bit computer
    • C:\Program Files\Two Notes Audio Engineering\Cabinets on a Windows 32 bit computer
    • /Library/Application Support/Two Notes Audio Engineering/Cabinets on a Mac OS computer
  3. Restart Wall of Sound, all the cabinets contained is the license should be available.